She Poured the Perfume—a look at Mary's beautiful anointing of Jesus in John 12:1-8.
A Summer
Thanksgiving—about the
summer bounty of gardens and what gardens can teach about God.
At Pentecost—about
the arrival of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. For the study that
goes with Version A of the hymn, click here.
For the study that goes with our "Wider Church" version, click here.
Connected by Spirit—about
the Church as the Body of Christ.
Dear Lord, I Come Confessing—against
fear and hatred of groups.
faith and science, especially regarding creation. (This is less
of a Bible study than some.)
anytime we need help forgiving, with a look at The Parable of
the Unmerciful Servant.
Here, in These Months that Seem Like Winter
Here, in Continued Months of
how God's wonders on this earth inspire hope during fearful
Holy Places—about
God being all-powerful and all-present.
How Simple is the Washing—a hymn for baptism.
Jesus, Feed Us—about
Jesus as the bread of life.
Jesus, Guest of Many People—Jesus
meeting people in their homes. There are four studies:
Jesus among friends in the home of Mary and Martha
forgiving a woman in the home of Simon the Pharisee
on dangerous ground in the home of a Chief Pharisee
Jesus selects tax collector Zacchaeus
Let the Children Come to
Me—about coming to
Christ as children do.
Lord, Before that Quiet Meal—a
remembrance of Christ and communion.
Lord God, in Charge of Time and
Space—about caring for
the Earth.
Lord God of All, Forgive Us—about
welcome for migrants and refugees.
Love Can Be a Cup of Water—about
how God can use small acts of ours to increase His kingdom.
Lost Sheep—related
to our Nativity story The
Lamb's Tale. Both the song and the story relate to
the theme of Christ as shepherd.
Was the Debt—including
two parables about God's mercy and the charge for us to be
merciful as well.
Morning Prayer—about
starting the day with God.
On the Way—a
grieving reflection of Mary Magdalene on the way to Christ's
One Early Morning on a Shore—a hymn, song, or
anthem about the Risen Christ on the shore in John 21:1-19.
Out of the Box—a
piece expressing amazement at Christ. For the study that goes
with the original version, click here.
For a study that goes better with the Epiphany A version, click
on Christ's teaching: "You are the salt of the earth."
Song of John—a
song/testimony of John, especially concerning love, servanthood,
and Christ's washing of the disciples' feet.
The Lamb's Tale—a
Nativity story for most ages, relating to Christ as the Good
The Shepherds Recollect—a
Nativity song from the shepherds' point
of view.
The Woman at the Well—a
reenactment of the story in John 4, and what it can tell us
about Jesus and evangelism.
The Younger Son—a
dramatization of the Parable of the Lost Son (Prodigal Son).
We Call them "Goods." We Call
them "Ours."—about wealth and generosity.
Worry Song—a
look at worry, starting with Jesus' teaching about the lilies
and the sparrows.