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Song Suggestions by Lectionary

Welcome, or welcome back~

I do love the season of Epiphany! There is newness and excitement in Christ's ministry.

Consider Jesus' first miracle, reported in John's Gospel, as he turns water into wine at a wedding in Cana. That Gospel lesson and the day's Isaiah reading are referenced in our communion song Lord, Before that Quiet Meal. So, if you serve communion on January 19th, 2025, consider this solo or song for congregation. We offer different musical approaches.

January 19th and 25th, especially, have Second Readings that focus on Christians united as the body of Christ. For those, consider our song Connected by Spirit.

To go with the first reading and Psalm for February 16th, consider We See How Milkweed Pods.... , a solo with guitar.

For February 23rd, with its themes of forgiveness and loving our enemies, take a look at our solo Forgiveness (Mercy's Dance) or our solo/hymn Dear Lord, I Come Confessing/Dear Lord, See to My Heart.

Looking ahead, we now have a NEW SONG! It's a choir retelling of the beautiful Gospel lesson for April 6th. Yes, it might seem early to be planning for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, but some rich harmonies in this SSAAB piece may take a bit more rehearsal. Here it is: She Poured the Perfume.

Now, what I don't love about this time of year is increased presence of death in our congregations, or even the sense of gloom when winter seems to hang on too long. "Here, in Continued Months of Winter", begins our solo, "it's hard to say what's death or rest. However, the song ends with our certain hope in Jesus Christ.

God bless Epiphany for you!

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