Text: Walking in certain forests, in the quiet,
we don’t speak, Holy places, then, are kitchens,
bedsides, desks, and who can tell…. Thank you for all holy places, faraway or
fully near. This is a song for general use, reminding us of God's power and presence. It can be especially appropriate during summer months, when many people seek our Earth's amazing places through parks or travel.
©2024 WordSown.com
Holy Places
Musical Details: This version is for worship team
instruments, although the musical approach is a bit
different. If you have an extra, very capable guitar
player (and possibly a "soundman"), we love bringing in some
guitar picking to increase the energy in certain spots,
replacing the conga. Listen here. For our solo version, using just one
guitar, click here. As with all our songs, the lyrics may be
reprinted in bulletins or on screens. (worship team